Ten Tips for Spring Time

by | Mar 19, 2024 | Flourishing Home, The Walking Book Club

Spring is finally here! It’s time to welcome the warm sunshine, beautiful flowers, and new beginnings.

To help you make the most of this wonderful season, I’ve put together Ten Tips for Spring Time to help you create a healthy and happy home.

Whether you’re looking to declutter, get active, or simply relax and enjoy the fresh air, these tips will guide you toward a fulfilling spring season. Let’s dive in!


Ten Tips for Spring Time


1) Create a sanctuary of calm

Make your sleeping environment a priority and create a sanctuary of calm, as sleep is the holy grail of wellness. Eliminate or hide anything that heightens stress levels – this means keeping work-related items out of sight. Computers stay in your workspace or, at minimum, in a drawer when transitioning to rest mode.


2) Positively prime your environment

You can easily adjust any living space once you tune into the scientific concept of primes. Simply put, smells, sights, sounds, textures, and tastes can subtly impact our mood negatively or positively. If a piece of art reminds you of a bad memory, you owe it to your health and happiness to toss, donate, or hide. Surround yourself with items that help you thrive.


3) Create gathering spaces where you flourish

Positive psychologist Chris Peterson believed a thriving life boils down to “other people matter.” Thus, become mindful of the spaces you gather with loved ones and cherished friends. Consider shifting the attention away from electronics and organizing a space facilitating happy interaction.


4) Invest in kitchen storage

Tagging along with number three, the heart of the home is almost always the kitchen area, not only for nourishment but also for socializing. Invest in storage and organization containers that make for easy clean up so the focus is on food and friends and not the chaos of clutter.


5) Employ “no-brainer” kitchen organization

Employ “no-brainer” organization for your kitchen, including keeping healthy and fresh foods at eye level in the fridge or on the counter as the easy grab-and-go option. If the clementines are on the counter, you’ll probably grab one fiber, vitamin piece of fresh fruit instead of a less healthy option.


6) Decrease decision fatigue

Keep junk food hidden or in opaque containers out of sight to decrease decision fatigue. Having to repeatedly say “no” to cookies in the cookie jar becomes increasingly more difficult each time you pass by.

Ten Tips for Spring Time - your bathroom is a transition space

7) Pay attention to transition areas

As you move through your day, you move through your home. When you leave for the day and return home, what space do you move through? These are transition areas and should support your wellness goals. If a load of laundry greets you at the end of the day, it’s a reminder of more things to do. Organize these spaces to support the beginning and the end of your day.


8) Your bathroom is also a transition space

When you get up in the morning, you likely move from your bed to the bathroom. Set the stage for your day; consider adding aromatic diffusers for a welcoming scent, decorative trays to corral health and beauty items, or any other item that will get your day going on the best foot possible.

9) Set your home up to support your wellness goals

If exercise is a priority, put your sneakers where you will see them as a reminder, make your exercise wardrobe easily accessible and inviting, or keep the dog’s leash by the door for extra walks. If stress management is a goal, prioritize decluttering. Get rid of guilt gifts – things you keep because you think you should but don’t like, need, or want.


10) Add connections to nature

Biophilia asserts that humans have an innate need to connect to natural elements. Can you pull back the curtains and let more natural light into the space? Rearrange the furniture for a better view of the outside. Consider opening the windows for fresh air and natural sounds. Adding plants or water elements will also increase your biophilic elements.


If you want a safe place to talk about your health and happiness goals and YOUR goals for a fulfilling spring season, let’s connect!

I love my work with clients because each journey is unique, AND I love the happy dance we do together when you experience victories! Click here for more information on how we can work together.



Are you in the Charleston area?

Join us on September 28 at Colonial Lake for a picnic in the park and the first-ever in-person gathering of The Walking Book Club®.  

I would really love to meet you in person!

Hi! I’m Julie

I help women live their happiest and healthiest lives. Learn More >

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