The Walking Book Club Julie Kaminski

Free Resources for Members

Julie Kaminski | The Walking Book Club

The Walking Book Club

Resources for your mind, body, heart, and soul

The Walking Book Club is a free online community designed to make exercise and activity more enjoyable, productive and fun. The only “rule” is you have to be moving to listen.

Here you will find updates, resources, frequently asked questions, and links to previous posts.

The Walking Book Club Updates:

You can find past email updates here. Please comment and engage in our online Discussion Group

Examining ‘Dead Weight’

Examining ‘Dead Weight’

Examining 'Dead Weight': A Thought-Provoking but Flawed Exploration of Hunger and Harm If an audiobook prompts a strong reaction, it’s worth further examination. Dead Weight, by Emmeline Clein, gave me pause on many fronts. Let’s get into it. My first thought was: 11...

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Dominate your day

Dominate your day

Guess what? I have a confession to make. As much as I love diving into a great audiobook, sometimes I crave something a little different. A brisk walk-n-talk with a friend, some mood-boosting music, or a fantastic podcast often does the trick. So, imagine my...

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Reflecting on Friendship One Year Later

Reflecting on Friendship One Year Later

A year ago, our family was in the final whirlwind of uprooting 25 years of New Jersey life. Selling a house where we raised three kids and closing in 30 days? Pure chaos! Fast-forward to now, and my husband and I are happily settling into Charleston while our grown-up...

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Join The Walking Book Club it’s free!

Enter your name and email below to become a Walking Book Club Insider. You'll receive access to our private Facebook community, plus other insider extras so you can track your progress and make lasting change.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're considering joining The Walking Book Club, you might have questions about logistics. We are an unconventional club, after all, not to mention an innovative way to build more movement into your life. These FAQs explain it all.

What is the mission and vision of The Walking Book Club?

My heart's mission is to help women discover, manifest, and celebrate their unique recipe for Healthy-Body and Happy-Mind!

I founded The Walking Book Club, a virtual global community, that moves while listening to audiobooks to make exercise and activity more enjoyable, and productive, and to inspire wellness.

My vision goes beyond coaching clients and The Walking Book Club Community. I aim to support women, children, and the environment through the Heart and Soul Programs. (Check out Heart and Soul Coaching and Programs here.)

Is The Walking Book Club really free?

Yes! The Walking Book Club is my soul's work; I want to help make Healthy-Body Happy-Mind easier. As my gift to you, all The Walking Book Club online communities, tips, tricks, coaching prompts, and inspiration, are free.

If you enjoy The Walking Book Club, please consider supporting growth and outreach by enrolling in a Heart and Soul Program. Twenty percent of proceeds go to a charity supporting human rights or environmental healing.  You can read more about Heart and Soul Programs here.

Why is The Walking Book Club unique?

As a National Board Health Coach, ACE Personal Trainer &  Group Fitness, and counseling psychologist, The Walking Book Club also includes coaching/goal-setting prompts and information on Healthy-Body Happy-Mind topics. 

Unlike traditional book clubs, we’ll infuse our time together with health-related tips and inspiration and the tools to motivate change.

Why should I join The Walking Book Club?

The Walking Book Club® is a community of audiobook listeners in sneakers where you can share your recommendations, get suggestions for your next great listen, engage in virtual discussions, and access free resources.

The community is infused with Healthy-Body Happy-Mind information from Julie Kaminski. MA, National Board Certified Health Coach to inspire you to flourish, mind, body, and spirit.

What do I need to get started?

A device to listen to the audiobook, headphones if you choose, and a good pair of sneakers if walking is your choice of exercise or activity. If you want to participate in the optional discussions, you will need access to a computer.

Do I need to participate in the online conversation?

Nope. Nothing is mandatory. Many participants find the discussions enhances the experience, making it even more enjoyable.

Here's what one participant says about our discussion group: "I love discussing books. I learn so much from others. We all perceive through our own lenses on the world and interpret in different ways."

The choice is yours: engage a lot or a little in our Facebook group, connect on Instagram, or stay tuned in through email only.

I don’t use social media. How else can I stay connected?

I send regular email updates for The Walking Book Club and Healthy-Body Happy-Mind information and inspiration. I welcome email correspondence and do my best to reply within 24 hours.

Please see Q & A below to make sure emails from Julie Kaminski make it to your inbox and not spam.

How often are new selections introduced?

Group selections are introduced quarterly. Sometimes the group selections are theme based, for example, Audie nominated audiobooks.

Can I complete the book at my own pace?

Yes! The beauty of The Walking Book Club is its flexibility. You choose when and where you listen and move. Nothing is mandatory.

Do you have a list of books that you can recommend?

Looking for your “next great listen?” Check out the Sneaker Reviews of our past selections. We rate the book on Motivation to Move, Narration Quality, and Overall Experience.

You can access past audiobook sneaker reviews and ratings here.

What are Sneaker Ratings?

At the end of each selection, we rate the listen on a scale of 1-5 in the following areas: a) Did it motivate you to move more? b) How did you like the narration? and c) How was your overall experience with the audio book?

Are there any rules?

The only thing we ask is to be mindful of "letting the cat out of the bag" when it comes to storyline. The idea is to listen only when moving, but it’s not a hard rule.

Do I have to walk, or can I be active in other ways?

Any activity counts - chores, gardening, cooking, etc. Non-Exercise Active Thermogenesis or NEAT energy is a significant contributor to overall health.

What if my walking environment isn’t safe? Or the weather is bad?

Try listening while doing daily life activities, like chores around the house. One of my favorite non-exercise activities is prepping fruits, veggies, and healthy meals. The Walking Book Club can make repetitive tasks like laundry more enjoyable.

What if I already read/listened to the selected group titles or I’m not interested in them?

If you have trouble getting the selected title, consider another title by the same author. If neither group selection piques your interest, no worries! Pick something that excites and interests you.

You still get goal-setting accountability, bonus materials, and Healthy-Body Happy-Mind tips, tools, and tactics for inspiration.

We’re always looking for great selections and welcome recommendations.

I didn't receive my welcome email, what do I do?

Technology is sometimes finicky. Please check your junk or spam folders if your welcome email doesn’t arrive within an hour. Next, please mark as safe so that emails from my address do not end up in your junk folder. Here are instructions for the most popular ESPs:

Sign in to your account at and add to your Gmail Contacts. If Gmail has marked emails from as spam, tell Gmail the emails are not spam.

  1. In Gmail, navigate to the spam folder.
  2. Search for
  3. Select all the emails shown.
  4. Click More and then Not spam., Windows Live Mail, Hotmail and MSN Mail
Sign in to your account at and add to your Contacts.

  1. Click the cog icon in the top-right corner and then More mail settings.
  2. Select Safe and blocked senders and then Safe senders
  3. Add to the list of Safe senders
  4. Return to Safe and blocked senders and then select Safe mailing lists
  5. Add the email address of the online group you want to whitelist to the list of Safe mailing lists


Yahoo! Mail
Sign in to your account at Yahoo! Mail and add to your Yahoo! Mail Contacts. Next, create a filter for the address:

  1. Mouse over the Settings menu icon and select Settings
  2. Click Filters and then Add
  3. Enter a Filter Name
  4. Enter in the Recipient field
  5. Select Inbox as the folder to deliver the email to
  6. Click Save and then click Save again.


Why does this happen?
Email Service Providers (ESPs) sometimes block email from an entire server, IP address, or ISP (Internet Service Provider) to protect you from unwanted or malicious email such as phishing, scams and spam. From time to time they get a false negative, which happens when they mistake email that you want for email that you don’t want.

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