Winter holidays that won’t leave you winded

What are your thoughts as we head into the winter holidays?
Are you already stressing over your shopping budget? Extended family? Travel?
Instead of feeling exhaustion and fatigue before 2020 is full swing, ask yourself RIGHT NOW:
“What do I want to feel on January 2nd?”
Here are nine tips for creating the meaningful holiday you desire.
#1 Think about what you desire. This year, reflect on how you would like to feel after the seasonal festivities. Do you usually feel exhausted as you trudge into the New Year? Now’s the time to change directions. Fill in the following: “On January 2nd, I want to feel __________ about the holidays of 2019.”
#2 Now write that desire down and post it where you will see it often. People who write about their dreams and goals on a regular basis have a 42% bump in achievement. It’s a small act that makes a big difference.
#3 Share your desired outcome with supportive people. Can your significant other or beautiful tribe of friends partner with you? Or maybe you decide to go inward and remind yourself in a quiet whisper. Be mindful of the Scrooge personalities that can undermine your big-hearted desires—they have a way of shrinking the positive energy.
#4 Create concrete action items. If you want to reconnect with friends, get some dates on the calendar now. If you desire a simpler, more relaxed holiday, block out days and times on the calendar for self-care. Manifest your desires through concrete action items. Oh, and write these down too!
#5 Plan for the obstacles. Life often throws curveballs at the Hallmark Holiday ideal. If you know a certain relative is sure to make a passive-aggressive comment, have a plan that will help you cope, whether it’s a deep breath or a humorous retort. Whatever the obstacle to your holiday desire have a plan in mind or a mind set to manage.
#6 Set up your environment to support your holiday desires. Years ago, I asked myself why I felt compelled to put every holiday decoration out on display. The answer was: I didn’t. It helps to be attuned to all of your senses. What smells, sounds and textures would you like to surround yourself with? Maybe seasonal candles? A soothing playlist for the ears? Soft jammies? Incorporating all the senses can be powerful.
#7 Prioritize self-care and compassion. If you need a sign from the universe to support self-care, here you go: “No is a complete sentence.” You do NOT have to do it all, be it all or buy the perfect gifts. Give some thought to your own boundaries and what your heart truly desires. If it’s more glitter and sparkle, go for it! If it’s quiet soulful walks during a snowfall, savor them.
#8 Capture and savor holiday Cupcake Moments. Balance the stress of coping with the ability to savor the positive. The little moments that occur quietly, without fanfare and unexpectedly, might be more important than the grand gestures. These smallest of victories, validations, positive comments, and sentiments are your personal bite-sized Cupcake Moments. Write these down too!
#9 Give Cupcakes Moments. Give Cupcake Moments to family, friends, strangers, and even send them out to the universe. This could be a sincere compliment, a thank-you, or a note that simply says “I thought of you.” Not only will you make someone else’s day, you’ll feel better too.
It’s not enough to wish for an outcome – it takes a little thought and some planning to have winter holidays that won’t leave you winded. Trust me, it’s more than worth it.
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