Summer Months ~ What Refuels Your Spirit

The simplicity of sand, salt water, flip flops and the warmth of the sun refuels my spirit.
If you are fortunate, the summer months bring the opportunity for a break from the norm. A special summer day activity, weekend getaway, or maybe a week of vacation ~ giving the opportunity to retreat, to rest, to explore, to be inspired, to recovery, to replenish. One of the most important aspect of a good vacation may be the capacity to REFUEL the SPIRIT, an element of wellness that too often drops to the bottom on the list of priorities.
Spiritual refueling goes beyond stress management – if you think about it – you can have a gold medal day in terms of organization and sit down at the end of it and still feel exhausted. On the other hand, spiritual refueling gives you the internal “ahhhh, I needed that…” response.
It fills your symbolic tank to FULL.
Many of my clients often come to me for help in the areas of eating behaviors/nutrition and exercise/activity. They’re often surprised when the “work” shifts away from the straight forward diet and exercise, and focuses on the other elements.(link) During conversation the question that often arises is, “what takes you from less than a half tank to a full tank?” The client begins to realize their wellness goes well beyond diet and exercise.
Sometimes the answers are quickly called upon. Sometimes, the client is caught off guard. Where do you fall on the spectrum? Do you know what adds back to your tank on a daily basis? weekly basis? seasonal basis?
I’m finishing this note on a bumpy plane ride home from my vacation. And while I’d might like a few more days in our happy place, my spirit is refueled.