Kicking Off #Hallothanksmas

How to stay grounded this holiday season
In many ways, Halloween seems to kick off the holiday season. Before you know it, it’s turkey time and the mad dash through the December holidays, and finally ringing in the New Year.
Despite the seasonal happy greetings, the season can be stressful. Here are a few downloadable goodies to keep the holidays as healthy and happy as possible.
Eat mindfully.
Download your Tips to Managing the Treats postcard for help making mindful choices this holiday season. Post it where you will see it often for gentle reminders to keep you on track.
Get grounded in your values.
My guide will help you clarify what’s important to you throughout the holiday season. Peruse the list, pick three values and ask yourself how you can manifest them over the coming months. I’m leaning towards friendship, gratitude and simplicity. Inviting friends, new and dear, for a hot cup of delicious coffee is in the works!
How about you? Let me know which values you choose and how you might bring more of them into your daily activities. Download your guide here.
Get moving.
Speaking of daily activities…too busy for your regular workout? Don’t put away the sneakers yet – take a 30-minute walk instead. Any type of movement is better than none. And if you need a little inspiration join The Walking Book Club.
We’ll be starting our winter series on Sunday November 18th with Nine Perfect Strangers author of Big Little Lies. The book is slated to be released in early November so we’ll be one of the first books clubs to indulge! (We listen and move, instead of sitting and reading. Any type of activity counts, including shopping, prepping, wrapping…and of course walking.)
Here’s what participants have to say about our fall round of The Walking Book Club experience:
“You inspire me to be a better person. At 62 I thought I would be slowing down but it seems I have picked up speed…thank you for all the encouragement you give to us. It is wonderful.” ~ SP
“I am soooo enjoying The Walking Book Club! What an incredibly innovative way to do a Book Club…Have been loving walking and listening…I’m an avid reader and find The Walking Book Club such a great, new experience.” ~JR
“I couldn’t stop listening and I promised myself if my ear buds were in I was moving.” CG
“…motivated me to move. Wanted to keep listening to find out what happened so I had to keep moving!” ~MC
“This was a great experience that encouraged me to move more!” ~ MS
Finally, if you’re in the Hunterdon County New Jersey area join us for a Thriving through the Holidays workshop on Monday October 22 at HealthQuest of Flemington. Workshops begin at 11:00AM and 6:30PM.
“The most wonderful time of the year” is a beautiful sentiment, but for many people the holidays are stressful. From challenging family interactions to shopping for the “perfect” gift within your budget to managing your health through it all, the festive season often leaves us feeling harried.
Learn easy and fun strategies for a healthy, happy holiday, so you can welcome 2019 bright-eyed and joy-filled.