Flourishing this Holiday Season

Last season’s holiday was ….well….a little challenging…
What do you want this holiday? Whatever your head and heart need this season, check out these six tips for making it through the holidays happy and healthy.
Six Holiday Season Survival Tips
1) Think about how you want to feel when the holidays are over.
Taking the time to get clarity about how you would like to feel after the hoopla is over will put you on the path to achieving the desired goal.
2) Once you’ve defined how you want to feel, give thought to multiple strategies to deal with potential stress.
Have a back-pocket plan for anticipated stressors.
3) Re-frame stressful events.
I know this is a tough one…if you can’t change circumstances, can you change how you deal with the event?
4) Simplify.
It’s ok to say, “No thank you” or “Sorry I already have plans,” even if those plans are going to the gym, which leads me to the next tip.
5) Keep healthy habits a priority.
The disruption in normal routine often drops self-care down on the list, but it’s times of stress that we need self care the most, especially sleep and exercise which can do wonders to combat strains of the holidays.
6) Take a deep breath.
The simple act of deep breathing has been shown to reduce stress and if that doesn’t work – laugh. Laughter increases endorphins, decreases stress hormones, and has been found to replenish will power!
Incorporating just one of the above tools or tips can make a substantial difference to surviving the stress of the holidays. You CAN have a happy healthy holiday.
Would you love a friendly resource to talk through your health and happiness questions? Someone to ask you the critical questions that will help you discover your path to what matters to you? An “ear” to listen and a safe place of supportive encouragement? Power of accountability? Face to face time to talk about your health, happiness, hopes, and dreams?
Did one of the questions have you nodding your head, “YES?”
If so, let’s get serious (but still have fun) about setting meaningful goals and celebrating your victories. Book a discovery session today.
Are you in the Charleston area?
Join us on September 28 at Colonial Lake for a picnic in the park and the first-ever in-person gathering of The Walking Book Club®.
I would really love to meet you in person!