Holiday Conversations

Holiday Conversations

Holiday Conversations Ahhh…the holiday conversations. “I know you probably think it’s bad in your line of work, but I started xyz medication.” (Hint: the injectable medication is making headlines daily for its use to treat obesity.) Yes, I was...
Do you hate chores? Me too!

Do you hate chores? Me too!

Do you hate chores? Me too! I hate repetitive tasks –  laundry, grocery shopping, emptying the dishwasher, taking the trash – it never ends, BUT they are all wonderful ways to increase N.E.A.T. (Non-Exercise Active Thermogenesis). So what makes the dreaded...
Human versus technology

Human versus technology

Artificial intelligence has been making the headlines recently. Have you heard stories about the technology that can write like a human? You give it a few phrases or keywords, and it can write a blog or newsletter for you. I’ll let you in on a secret – I...
Check out the new school bus!

Check out the new school bus!

Check out the new school bus for BlinkNow and Koplia Valley! Thank you to all the members who have supported our Heart and Soul Programs by subscribing to The Walking Book Club e-Magazine, purchasing a single issue, or through Heart and Soul Coaching. Maggie Doyne...