On the horizon ☀️

Wow — it’s so much fun to see where you all are moving and listening! Each week, new towns, states and countries are represented in our global community of #bookloversinsneakers.
An extra virtual hug to all our new members.
There are some super cool things on the horizon.
NYT Bestselling Author: I’m working through the details for a Book Chat Fundraiser with a current New York Times bestselling author! I’m so excited for the opportunity to bring professional and personal passions together into an amazing opportunity. You’ll be the first to know when things have been finalized.
New Round: Our new round officially kicks off on Sunday, May 17. This round includes new authors and genres for The Walking Book Club. For all you Stephen King fans, your votes put If It Bleeds into selection options. Rumor has it, it’s not gory or scary, but ”very clever writing.” Pick the book that interests you most. If you finish before the end of the round, pick a second, third or fourth. What did you choose?

Final Book Discussion Zoom Meeting: This is scheduled for Thursday, May 14 at 5 p.m. ET. I’m still working to find optimal times for our global community. Join us if you can.
Thursday, May 14
5 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada)
Register in advance here >
TLC Challenge: May 15 wraps up last rounds of the TLC Self Care Challenge. Send me a picture of your calendar or journal and you will be entered in the drawing for the Socks for Binc prize. We will be starting a new challenge June 1. Stay tuned for more information on “Minutes and Miles.”
The New Round Format: A book thread for each book will be started during our first week. Pop into the discussion thread(s) of your selection at any time. Regular updates, extras and discussion questions will be added daily, depending on the day.

P.S. In case you missed the FAQs, here they are!
The Walking Book Club Premium
Check out the Premium Program designed for those that want a little extra support for their Healthy-Body Happy-Mind goals and also gives you priority for complimentary audiobooks.