Drum Roll Please

Lots of great news to share with you today!
As our community grows, I am working really hard to adapt and communicate better. Drum roll — here is the webpage with all The Walking Book Club Resources. You can find all the past email updates, FAQs, Sneaker Reviews of past listens, Fitness Planning Stickers and more. It’s a great way to keep in touch if you’re on a social media hiatus or simply catch up.
I always welcome direct emails from you, too. In fact, friendly notes from you make my day!

Ingredients for Healthy-Body Happy-Mind Workshop
We also had our first online workshop this past week on defining your symbolic ingredients for your Healthy-Body Happy-Mind recipe.
Some of us may be feeling out of sorts and have different health and happiness needs as we adjust to the changing environment.
Another drum roll — I’ll be hosting the same workshop again to accommodate different time zones and schedules.
The Walking Book Club Online Discussion Groups
Last drum roll — here are the virtual book club gatherings for book discussion during the weeks. You’ll find links to register for each discussion below.
In closing, please chime in with ideas for our next round’s theme, either directly back in email or in our Discussion Group. A few suggestions so far:
- Summer’s most anticipated audiobooks
- Popular female authors
- Adventures through audiobooks
Thank you for your patience as we grow.
(sent with love from the dining room table in NJ)
P.S. — Friendly reminder, we’re midway through our “book-to-screen” round. There’s still plenty of time to get one or two of the books completed. We wrap up the round on May 15.

The Walking Book Club Premium
Check out the Premium Program designed for those that want a little extra support for their Healthy-Body Happy-Mind goals and also gives you priority for complimentary audiobooks.