A Few Tips to Beat Holiday Weight Gain

In many ways the tempting candy of Halloween kicks off the holidays season. Family feasts, festive parties, late nights with friends, socializing over homemade cookies, and champagne toasts brings us into the New Year, often with an average weight gain of a pound or two. Here are a few tips to help beat holiday weight gain this season. Print, cut, and post for friendly reminders.
12 Tips to Beat Holiday Weight Gain
- Listen to your body. Are you truly hungry?
- Be a food snob. Skip the store bought goodies.
- Know where you want to “spend” your calories.
- Pre-party pacing, be hungry but not ravenous.
- Socialize away from the food.
- Peruse before you choose.
- Savor special foods.
- If it doesn’t taste good – stop eating!
- Don’t eat out of obligation.
- When you’re done, have your plate removed.
- Be aware of the effects of alcohol.
- Avoid grazing, especially candy bowls.
adapted from M. May
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11/4/17 The Flourishing Home: Creating Refueling Spaces in the Home
12:00 Bloomingdales’s Short Hills Mall, NJ
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1/24/18 Creating Goals Not Resolutions
10:45 Christie’s Artisan Bakery, Clinton NJ
2/28/18 Rethinking Weight Loss and Maintenance
10:45 Christie’s Artisan Bakery, Clinton NJ