The Whitney Plantation Museum

We’re wrapping up the early summer round of Pretty Things, Big Summer, If It Bleeds and The Book of Lost Friends. It was so much fun to connect virtually and talk books this past Saturday. Thanks to those who participated.
Our next virtual book chat is this Saturday, June 27. Please join us for the The Book of Lost Friends discussion with special guests from the The Whitney Plantation Museum. You’re encouraged to participate even if you didn’t listen to Lisa Wingate’s most recent book.
This is our second Heart and Soul gathering.
For those who just joined us, these are quarterly philanthropic book chats to open dialogue on important issues. Instead of bringing a hors d’oeuvre or bottle of wine to “book club,” we suggest making a donation to a philanthropic cause—in this case the Whitney Plantation Museum.
As author Jeanine Cummins shared, “Anything that gets people talking and listening outside their own bubble of reality is a really important thing right now.”
Here’s some information about The Museum:
Whitney Plantation is the only plantation museum in the state of Louisiana with an exclusive focus on the lives of enslaved people.
The museum’s mission is to educate the public about the history of slavery and its legacies through tours and public programs. The museum is also a memorial, and it offers visitors a rare opportunity to mourn the lives of enslaved people and reflect about our nation’s troubling past.
Whitney Plantation is a young museum, having just passed its fifth anniversary. The museum’s founder, John Cummings, completed the process of donating the museum to a nonprofit in December 2019, just three months before the pandemic hit. The closure necessitated by COVID-19 hit Whitney Plantation particularly hard, since the museum was so new to being nonprofit that it had not yet established a base for philanthropic support. The closure from March 17– June 19 meant a total loss of all revenue.
The museum is reopening with significant cuts to the budget; public support is especially needed now to maintain its grounds and 22 historical structures, retain all staff members, and continue its mission of public education.
Now more than ever, as the nation seeks understanding about our current civil rights struggles, Whitney Plantation is a necessary resource for healing and truth-telling.
In other exciting news:
#MilesandMinutes total we add another 985 miles for a total of 2785! We’re almost to our first stop to see our friends in the UK!
Fingers crossed, we’ll have sweepstakes for free downloads of new audiobooks for August, courtesy of MacMillian audio.
Please give your Sneaker Ratings for the May/June round.
Each audiobook we move and listen to is rated on Motivation to Move, Quality of Narration and Overall Experience. Pop into the Discussion Group and opine.
Download your audiobook copy of July’s group selections now.
Oprah’s book is ideal for a quick listen each day for inspiration. It’s easily broken down into bite-size snippets savored over the month.
The Walking Book Club Online Discussion Groups
SAT, JUNE 27, 2020
Discussion on The Book of Lost Friends.
The executive director of The Whitney Plantation will be joining us.
01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
SUN, JULY 19, 2020
Book Chat with author of The Dearly Beloved, Cara Wall
04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Details coming soon.
The Walking Book Club Premium
Check out the Premium Program designed for those that want a little extra support for their Healthy-Body Happy-Mind goals and also gives you priority for complimentary audiobooks.