How to find the perfect coach for you

Are you struggling to making lasting change(s) to your health?
A good coach can make all the difference.
One of the highlights of this year’s TEDX series on “The Future You” was Atal Gawande’s talk on coaching and continuous improvement. “No matter how much of an expert you are, or think you are, getting feedback from someone watching you always helps…” he said. He cited examples of surgeons and accomplished musicians.
When you work with a coach, you get a fresh set of eyes and constant feedback. If you want help overcoming a challenge or improving something important in your life – be it health, finance, or in your career – coaching is an effective way to identify and achieve meaningful goals.
How do you know if coaching is for you?
Coaching is ideal for people who desire accountability, focus and a structured approach to creating change. I had some great coaches in Caroline Adams Miller for professional goals and Nicole Baute for writing. They made a difference in my life.
The challenge is unravelling the increasingly noisy field of coaching. I’ve been there as both a coach and a coachee, and I know it can be overwhelming.
So let’s break down the process of finding the right coach for you.
Step One: Build a list of candidates
First, narrow the field to the type of coaching you want. Ask for referrals from people who have worked with coaches. Many coaches are able to work virtually – in fact my writing coach was half way around the world – so there should be a nice-sized pool of potential coaches to consider.
Step Two: Investigate their training, education and experience.
Training: Where did they get their certifications and what training was included? Some coaches have no formal training, some very little. A good coach should have a solid training with curriculum that supports their field. For instance, I am certified through Wellcoaches. Their training consists of over 130 hours of training, the experience of being coached, a proctored test, practical and written exam. It covers goal-setting, coaching in the health, fitness and wellness realm.
Education: What other degrees and training add depth to their service? Have they achieved a higher level of education, like a master’s degree or a specialized certification? Do they maintain their certifications with regular continuing education courses?
Experience: A good coach will have an ample “tool box” of tools to share with you to help your goals. How many years have they been working as a coach? What is their typical client profile? Don’t be afraid to ask direct questions. Do they have experience in motivational interviewing, appreciative inquiry, positive psychology, and goal-setting theory? A good coach will have these “tools” at the ready to share.
Step Three: Schedule a discovery call
Hopefully your research results in a few coach candidates. Now it’s time to see if there is a match. A good coach will offer a free consult, usually 20-30 minutes for you to ask questions and get a feel for their style and your work together.
The bottom line is to take the time to investigate and ask questions, and also makes sure the coach feels like the right fit for you.
Trust me, a great coach can change your life.
I hope you find the right fit for you! And if you want to know more about coaching or are considering hiring a coach to help with your healthy-body happy-mind, don’t hesitate to book a free discovery chat with me.