Fall Transition: Re-Group for a Healthier Happier Home

There are two times of year when I feel a sense of symbolic restarts. The obvious is New Year’s, but I also feel a symbolic re-start in the fall when the weather shifts, school re-starts and the vibe of summer months fades. How about you?
If cooler weather is part of the season change, open the windows and let in fresh air. The time is also great for a closet inventory to donate the summer clothing you haven’t worn for the last three summers. Or maybe it’s 15 minutes spent re-organizing the family bulletin board.
Use the shift as a time to reflect, re-prioritize and re-organize.
If this resonates with you, check out my free four-part workshop highlighting my favorite topics from The Flourishing Home, which is about making #healthybodyhappymind as easier by using your home as a tool.
In it you’ll discover easy tips to
- make sure you have the best tools on hand for optimal nutrition and eating behaviors
- get rid of negativity in your environment
- take an inventory of your sleeping environment and optimize for the best night’s sleep possible
- fill your home with natural nourishment
No matter how big or small your home may be, whether you live in an urban studio apartment or a converted country barn, there are simple and sensible changes that can help you create an environment that supports your health and happiness goals.
If you’re looking for something new in the fitness realm, please join us in The Walking Book Club. We start our fall selection September 8th.
The Walking Book Club Premium
Check out the Premium Program designed for those that want a little extra support for their Healthy-Body Happy-Mind goals and also gives you priority for complimentary audiobooks.