Check out the new school bus for BlinkNow and Koplia Valley!

Thank you to all the members who have supported our Heart and Soul Programs by subscribing to The Walking Book Club e-Magazine, purchasing a single issue, or through Heart and Soul Coaching.

Maggie Doyne author with the new School Bus for Blink Now and Koplia Valley

Maggie Doyne author of Between the Mountains and the Sky with the new School Bus for Blink Now and Koplia Valley

If you haven’t already, please consider subscribing to The Walking Book Club eMagazine – not only do you get all the audiobook extras for group selections, but you also receive inspiration for your health and happiness, help keep the community alive and give back to women and children worldwide.

Our next Heart and Soul Book Chat is with best-selling author Sadeqa Johnson, author of The House of Eve on March 14, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) You can reserve your virtual seat here.



Are you in the Charleston area?

Join us on September 28 at Colonial Lake for a picnic in the park and the first-ever in-person gathering of The Walking Book Club®.  

I would really love to meet you in person!

Hi! I’m Julie

I help women live their happiest and healthiest lives. Learn More >

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